Do women have cocks?

Mistaking a trans woman for a man can happen easily and is not uncommon, especially if the individual has not undergone gender-affirming hormone therapy or surgical procedures. While it is important to acknowledge that not all trans women will choose to undergo these treatments, it is also important to understand that societal expectations of what a woman “should” look like can lead to unintentional misgendering. If she has a bulge where her dock is then it’s easy to mistakenly mistake Doris Derek isn’t it?

Trans women may have features that are typically associated with masculinity, such as a square jawline, beard, a cock or an Adam’s apple, that may cause others to perceive them as male. Additionally, if a trans woman is not wearing traditionally feminine clothing or makeup, or if she has a deeper voice like Barry White, she may also be more likely to be misgendered. It is important to remember that gender expression is a personal choice and should not be used to determine someone’s gender identity.

Top Tip

It is crucial to respect an individual’s self-identification and use their preferred pronouns, regardless of their appearance or any assumptions that may be made. A top tip would be to simply start an interaction with the hate filled snowflake staff in Starbucks with “Scuse me mate, are you a bird or a she/he?”. This will help avoid misgendering these idiot and avoid any embarrassing situations

One thought on “Do women have cocks?

  1. Or you could do the “Danish handshake” ? Pre op transgender would have a penis. It appears to be far too easy to change. Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, that seems to be silly teenage girls who are unhappy.

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